#How to add grammarly to word processor for free
Grammarly has a free version that can be installed for free upon user sign-up. Examine the suggestions, then accept or delete corrections. For Microsoft Word users just need to create a Microsoft account to access an online version of Microsoft Word together with the entire Office suite.After that in the Set Language dialog, choose your default language which you wanted to use for spell check.Go to the Review option> Check Spelling > Set Language.This allows you to not only learn about grammar and writing styles, but also to determine if you’d like to accept Grammarly’s corrections. For enable the spell check and grammar check on WPS Office. Grammarly will identify possible mistakes, explain it's corrections and make suggestion.You can also indicate what type of document you are working with academic essay is the most common choice. First, by reducing friction and making its product more accessible, Grammarly put. As Max Lytvyn says, Rather than bringing users to Grammarly, we want to bring Grammarly to everywhere people write. Using the editing tools on the left, you can pick any or all of contextual spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, and style. With Grammarly’s web editor, users had to copy-paste text from their word processor to a browser, which was a big source of friction.

Upload a document into Grammarly, or copy and paste your text.You can use Grammarly by logging in to their website and uploading your documents to be checked, or download their apps can allow you to use Grammarly within Word, Outlook or other programs.